We are here for you –
contact us with any questions or issues!

Academic Counseling for Students and Prospective Students:

Tel. +49 241 80 94050

Office Hours:

Mon, Tue, Wed & Thu: 2 PM to 4 PM or studienberatung@rwth-aachen.de

Your Contact Person for Enrollment.

Tel. +49 241 80 94088

Office Hours:

Mon to Fri: 10 AM to 3 PM or studsek@rwth-aachen.de

Advising and Information for International Prospective Students.

Tel. +49 241 80 90660

Office Hours:

Mon to Fri: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM to 4 PM or international@rwth-aachen.de

Get in touch with us directly!

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Upcoming Events

Schriftzug Wissenschaftsnacht 2024 Maschinenbau live erleben vor farbigen Hintergrund mit Personen RWTH Science Night “5 to 12”

Experience science live, take part and join in the discussion: This is possible at RWTH Aachen University’s Science Night, and our institutes will also be there!

RWTH Aachen, 08.11.2024, from 6 p.m., to the program

Study Information Day

On the Study Information Day, you can expect an extensive lecture program consisting of course presentations and lectures on the subject of studying.

C.A.R.L. Claßenstraße 11, 03.02.2025, to the program

Mechanical Engineering Day at the RWTH

Be there when the doors to the institutes open on Mechanical Engineering Day and experience exciting hands-on activities that will bring you closer to this fascinating technology!

Campus Melaten, 24.05.2025, 12-17 o’clock, to the program

Contact us!